Publication Scientifique

Epidemiological, anatomoclinical, and therapeutic profile of obstetric fistula in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: About 1267 patients

2024-09-16 | Télécharger

Obstetric fistula (OF) is defined as an abnormal communication between the urinary tract and the genital tract (urogenital fis- tula) or between a woman’s anorectal tract and genital tract (genito-digestive fistula), resulting primarily from prolonged and obstructed labour resulting in uncontrolled loss of urine and/or stool through the vagina.

Obstetric fistula is common in young adult women in the DRC. It is often the result of vaginal delivery, usually after prolonged labour. Fistula births often result in the death of newborns. Urogenital fistulas are the most frequent with a predominance of urethro-vaginal and vesico-uterine anato- moclinical entities.
Surgical repair, which is mostly done transvaginally, gives a good result. The implementation of a good reproduc- tive health policy, including the proper organisation of the health referencing system, the equipment of public hospitals with medical materials and supplies, continuous training and the proper